
Kyle's Market Micro-architecture Model

The trading behavior in a market is often backed by asymmetric information, making the market a asymmetric game. Albert S. Kyle proposed a micro-structure formulation in 1985, stating that such market consists of three players: an insider, a random noise trader, and a market maker. His successors also proved that there exist an equilibrium with additional conditions. In this post, we will discuss the formulation of Kyle's model formulated as an extensive form game and an Optimal-Transport based setting of equilibrium.


How Would Diffusion Model Help Robot Imitation

In short, using diffusion process instead of directly applying MSE loss on trajectories enables a wider variety of trajectory solutions learnt from imitation data, instead of the trajectory provided by dataset(s), which is beneficial for small-set imitation learning. In this blog post, we will discuss how and why diffusion process can achieve such and trajectory-agnostic result.


[Reading]PARIS: Part-level Reconstruction and Motion Analysis for Articulated Objects

ABSTRACT: This paper introduces a self-supervised, end-to-end architecture that learns part-level implicit shape and appearance models and optimizes motion parameters jointly without requiring any 3D supervision, motion, or semantic annotation. The training process is similar to original NeRF but and extend the ray marching and volumetric rendering procedure to compose the two fields.